Selection of steel shot-physical property

Improper selection of steel shot will affect the normal operation of shot blasting machine and may also cause machine failure. Steel shot for shot blasting machine generally includes steel wire cutting shot, alloy shot, cast steel shot, iron shot, etc.
The selection of steel shot mainly refers to the following points:
1. The hardness is directly proportional to the cleaning speed, but inversely proportional to the service life. Therefore, the hardness is high, the cleaning speed is fast, but the service life is short and the consumption is large. Therefore, the hardness should be moderate (about HRC40-50 is appropriate) and the use effect is the best.
2. Appropriate steel shot hardness and excellent rebound, so that the steel shot can be shot to every part of the chamber body of the passing shot blasting machine, and then reduce the cleaning time. If the hardness of steel shot is too low, it will simply deform and break in the process of shot blasting, and then consume energy and affect cleaning; If the hardness of the steel shot is too high, it will be brittle and fragile, forming strong and sharp fragments. The blades will wear quickly, consume a lot of energy, and also affect the cleaning.
3. Internal defects of projectiles, such as pore cracking and internal shrinkage, can affect their service life and increase consumption.
4. If the density is greater than 7.4g/cc, the internal defects tend to be the smallest.