How to choose to distinguish the quality of garnet waterjet sand?

According to general experience, the following methods can generally be used to make preliminary judgments:
One, look directly at the color
Observe with naked eyes whether the color of garnet waterjet sand is light red or deep red. The color of shallow magnesia-aluminum garnet is pink, and the high-hardness high-quality iron-aluminum garnet is dark red because of its higher content of Fe2O3 and Al2O3. It belongs to the hardest iron-aluminum garnet in the garnet family. RZG
almindine garnet.
2. Push the hardness by hand Push the particles by hand to test the hardness initially, and the degree of weathering of the garnet waterjet sand can be observed to a certain extent. Waterjet sand with high cutting efficiency needs to be processed with hard iron-aluminum garnet, with a Mohs hardness of 7.5-8. After 4 times of careful crushing, the edges and corners are sharp and the damage rate is low.
Ensure efficient cutting speed.