The influence of JINAN JUNDA garnet abrasive on the precision and speed of water cutting

The common types of garnet abrasive used for waterjet cutting are 60 mesh, 80 mesh and 120 mesh. Generally speaking, the larger the mesh size, the finer the waterjet sand particles, so the 60th of the three models is the thickest. Using 60# cutting speed is the fastest of the three, and 120# cutting is the slowest.


The slower the cutting speed, the higher the cutting accuracy. The finer abrasive can improve the cutting accuracy, especially for precision instruments and parts with high accuracy requirements, 120 garnet abrasive can fully meet the cutting standard.


In daily use, whether you choose speed or accuracy depends on the material being cut and the quality requirements for garnet abrasive waterjet sand. Generally speaking, 80# is the most used, and it has a perfect combination of accuracy and speed.